NGB-16X257 DBX1 SAN10

NGB-16X257 DBX1 SAN10 (1-pack)

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Apparel in fine and ultrafine fabrics is currently right in vogue. To meet the different requirements that have to satisfied in manufacture of such products, apparel manufacturers are dependent on the use of sewing machine needles designed to take extreme care of even the finest, most delicate fabrics.

This is where special application needles SAN® 10 and SAN® 10 XS guarantee unbeatable perfection.

A decision in favor of a standard needle, a SAN® 10 needle or a SAN® 10 XS needle largely depends on the quality of the fabric, its finish and finally also the gauge of the material.

Inferior quality and badly finished materials, as well as a very dry room climate can seriously impair sewability, making the fabric more susceptible to damage.


GROZ-BECKERT brand sewing machine needles for: Most Single Needle machines.

Each order contains 100 needles/per box (10 needles per pack)

Here are a few machine and makers these needles are compatible with:

Alfa : 121.101-401-500-503, 119.300

Artisan : 196R, 5500, 8500

Bernina : 117, 217-10, 217-20, 317, 517, 740, 850, 950

Brother  : B221, B484, B485, B735, B755, B652, B737, B764, B790

Consew : 38, 75, 77, 101, 102, 210, 215, 216, 217, 220, 230, 230R, 310,2 230R, C7630, 7630R-1

Econosew : DDL-5550, DDL-8500, DDL-8700

Feiyue : FY8500, FY8700

Gemsy : 8700

Janome : 1600P-DB, 1600P-DBX

Juki : DDL201, DDL-227, DDL-555, DDL-5530, DDL-5550, DDL-8300, DDL-8500, DDL-8700, DDL-8900, DDL-9000, DLN415, DLU5490, LZ-271, LZ-391N, MBH-180

Singer : 96 class, 103K, 120U, 172, 188K, 188U, 196K, 241, 245, 251, 281, 291U-3, 2491D

Tacsew : 950, DDL-5550, DDL-8500, T8700

Taiko : TK-505, TK-510

Toyota : AD156, AD157, AD338, D146, D147, D347, D348, D1422-42, D2432

Viking : M430, M431, M435, M435C, M440, M530, M535, M535C, M535D

Yamata : FY8500, FY8700


If you machine is not listed above, send us an email with the make and model so we may further assist you.

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