NGB-16X257 DBX1 Single Needle Machine Needle

NGB-16X257 DBX1 (1-pack)

  • $ 2.70
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GROZ-BECKERT brand sewing machine needles for: Most Single Needle machines.

Each order contains 100 needles/per box (10 needles per pack)

Here are a few machine and makers these needles are compatible with:

Alfa : 121.101-401-500-503, 119.300

Artisan : 196R, 5500, 8500

Bernina : 117, 217-10, 217-20, 317, 517, 740, 850, 950

Brother  : B221, B484, B485, B735, B755, B652, B737, B764, B790

Consew : 38, 75, 77, 101, 102, 210, 215, 216, 217, 220, 230, 230R, 310,2 230R, C7630, 7630R-1

Econosew : DDL-5550, DDL-8500, DDL-8700

Feiyue : FY8500, FY8700

Gemsy : 8700

Janome : 1600P-DB, 1600P-DBX

Juki : DDL201, DDL-227, DDL-555, DDL-5530, DDL-5550, DDL-8300, DDL-8500, DDL-8700, DDL-8900, DDL-9000, DLN415, DLU5490, LZ-271, LZ-391N, MBH-180

Singer : 96 class, 103K, 120U, 172, 188K, 188U, 196K, 241, 245, 251, 281, 291U-3, 2491D

Tacsew : 950, DDL-5550, DDL-8500, T8700

Taiko : TK-505, TK-510

Toyota : AD156, AD157, AD338, D146, D147, D347, D348, D1422-42, D2432

Viking : M430, M431, M435, M435C, M440, M530, M535, M535C, M535D

Yamata : FY8500, FY8700


If you machine is not listed above, send us an email with the make and model so we may further assist you.

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